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磁性介质和粘合剂 TPU 美国Lubrizol 5778 织物涂层和熔融涂层
发布时间:2024-03-15        浏览次数:10        返回列表
磁性介质和粘合剂 TPU 美国Lubrizol 5778 织物涂层和熔融涂层

Lubrizol ESTANE® 5778 Ester based Thermoplastic Polyurethane (European Grade)

Thermoplastic Polyurethane, Elastomer, Polyester Grade

Lubrizol (former Noveon)


Description: Estane® thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) include elastomeric materials that bridge the gap between flexible rubber and rigid plastics. These materials offer toughness and durability in a flexible thermoplastic elastomer system that is easy to process in a wide range of e The Estane® TPU portfolio of products offers high performance polyester - and polyether - based resins and compounds in a broad range of hardnesses to meet a variety of application needs.

Benefits of Estane® TPU:

  • Outstanding Abrasion and Wear Resistance

  • Excellent Low Temperature Flexibility

  • Superior Toughness and Durability

  • Ease of Processing and Manufacturing Flexibility

  • Colorability and Paintability with no adhesion promoter

  • Applications:

    • Film & Sheet

    • Fabric coating & melt coating

    • Wire & Cable

    • Hose, Tube & Profile

    • Custom molding

    • Custom compounding

    • Automotive interior/chassis and exterior painted trim

    Specific Notes for this Material: Magnetic media and adhesives

    Information provided by Noveon, Inc.


物理性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
比重1.20 g/cc1.20 g/ccDIN 53479
粘度60 - 100 cP60 - 100 cPNOV QC 020
机械性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
肖氏硬度 (邵氏 D)6363DIN 53505
极限抗拉强度38.0 MPa5510 psiDIN 53504
伸长率 (断裂)220 %220 %DIN 53504
50% Modulus0.0162 GPa2.35 ksiDIN 53504
**** 模量0.0194 GPa2.81 ksiDIN 53504
撕裂强度80.0 kN/m456 pliDIN 53515

核心提示:TPU 5778,美国Lubrizol,织物涂层5778,熔融涂层5778
  • 地址:广东省东莞市樟木头镇百果洞新城街三巷5号201房
  • 电话:15626872699
  • 手机:15626872699
  • 联系人:郭先生